McMAHON is pleased to announce that Stacey Caplan has been approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) as an Assured Wetland Delineator. This means that when Caplan prepares a wetland delineation report, she does not need to request WDNR concurrence, which typically requires 3-4 weeks. This will greatly decrease review times for all projects requiring wetland delineations, which will provide a significant benefit to clients from a project planning and schedule standpoint. There are currently fewer than 25 Assured Wetland Delineators in Wisconsin.
The goal of the WDNR’s wetland delineation professional assurance initiative is to provide a high level of certainty about wetland boundaries for project planning, and save time in state review of wetland boundaries, while enhancing protection for Wisconsin’s wetlands through more accurate wetland boundaries overall. Assurance does not change the need for decisions about wetland fill permits. For professionals attaining this status, their delineation work is assured for purposes of State of Wisconsin permits and State-mandated local programs. Concurrence from WDNR is not needed and wetland delineation issues are unlikely to cause delays in State permit decisions for sites at which these individuals are the lead field delineator and report author.
Caplan is part of the Environment & Infrastructure Division at McMAHON, providing environmental services as well as working on Geographic Information System (GIS) applications for clients. She has Bachelor of Science Degrees in both Geography and Environmental Science from UW-Oshkosh, and started working at McMAHON immediately after graduating in 2012. Since then, she has taken numerous continuing education classes through UW-LaCrosse, who collaborates with various agencies to provide wetland related workshops, including WDNR, Army Corps of Engineers, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and USGS. Moving forward, as part of the Assurance Initiative, Caplan will continue to take classes to earn Continuing Education Credits.
McMAHON provides a full suite of environmental and ecological services, including consultation, wetland delineation and mapping, wetland mitigation banks, prairie design and construction, long-term native vegetation management, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, subsurface contamination/remediation and other related services.