Manitowoc, Wisconsin

WisDOT and City of Manitowoc, WI
2.9 Miles
Project Manager:
Cory Schuh
Service Groups:
Market Served:
Project Overview:
The WisDOT commissioned McMahon to administer the construction contract for the 2.9-mile project that included complete reconstruction of the roadway and utilities in accordance with WisDOT guidelines, and a separate contract with the City of Manitowoc was negotiated to provide services for the sanitary sewer and mini-storm. The project, with an impressive magnitude and distinctive features, was constructed over a two-year time period.
Included in the project was a multi-lane roundabout, structural improvements to a bridge over the Little Manitowoc River, a new box culvert, a new deck on the bridge over the CN Railroad, four signalized intersections, and staged construction with interim start and completion dates. A completely new storm sewer system was installed, with pipe as large as 72-inches and 25-feet deep. Sanitary sewer, also very deep in many locations, and water main were also replaced. New street lighting was installed along the corridor, along with trees in the boulevard to replace trees that were removed. Another section of the project was rehabilitated with concrete patching and an asphaltic overlay.
The project, spanning two years, was completed ahead of schedule and under budget each year. Overall, two weeks of construction time was saved along with over $800,000 in let savings.