Appleton, Wisconsin

Fox Valley Lutheran Schools
204,000 SF
Project Manager:
Mike McMahon
Market Served:
Project Overview:
The design and development of this new $18.2 million dollar facility was conceived as a team effort with another design firm familiar with the Lutheran educational system. Within the partnership structure, McMahon was responsible for site planning, civil engineering, structural design and architectural construction documents. McMahon also served as Architect of Record and as Construction Manager, taking on the responsibilities of packaging, pricing, scheduling and coordinating the construction.
The 204,000 square-foot facility is organized into three teaching “wings,” one for English / foreign languages, one for science / mathematics, and one for social studies / religion. In addition, there is a 920 seat auditorium, a commons area seating 400, and a field house seating 1,800. The educational program also includes a technology education center. Supporting this program are the kitchen / server area, the media center and the weight training/ fitness center.