
CTH CE & TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS (Loderbauer Rd to Haas Rd)

Kaukauna, Wisconsin

City of Kaukauna & Outagamie County, WI


0.5 Miles

Project Manager:

Ryan Kubat

Service Groups:
Market Served:
Project Overview:

Many residential developments and the local high school are adjacent to this portion of CTH CE in Kaukauna.  The project section of this 2-lane rural highway also includes three major intersections that do not provide for any left-turn lanes.  The CTH CE Trail is a 10-ft wide paved regional trail that serves as a “backbone” trail for the surrounding communities and ended at the west project limits.

The 2-lane highway was completely reconstructed and the CTH CE Trail extended through the entire project.  Left turn-lanes were provided at the three main intersections. Urbanization was needed in areas to minimize right-of-way acquisition and wetland impacts which also required a new storm sewer to be constructed through a significant portion of the project.

The existing traffic signals at the CTH CE & Loderbauer Road intersection were removed and replaced, and pedestrian-activated pedestrian faces were added. Raised pedestrian refuge islands were provided at the other two major intersections with push-button activated, rectangular flashing beacons (RRFB’s) provided.

McMahon deliverables for this locally-funded joint County/City project included preliminary and final plans, right-of-way plat, traffic management plan, extensive utility coordination, and environmental permitting.

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